Vitoria / Gasteiz
Vitoria-Gasteiz es la capital de Euskadi. La ciudad ofrece una cantidad de zonas verdes sorprendentes. Son famosos su Anillo Verde, los monumentos llenos de historia y su casco medieval. Recorrer las tiendas de Vitoria-Gasteiz es un verdadero placer por la tranquilidad que supone pasear por el centro de una ciudad prácticamente peatonal.
1,2,3 Let´s go

Vitoria's biggest surfing brand
Original designs printed on organic cotton
The surfing bug has moved inland. Many Vitoria natives now consider surfing a way of life and head to the coast to catch a few waves whenever they can. Back in 2013, you couldn't get surfwear in the city so Vitoria born-and-bred Raquel and Pedro launched their own brand of organic cotton T-shirts and sweatshirts featuring photos, slogans and other surfing motifs. They opened a store for children and adults in 2018 and its feel-good surfing vibes have been felt across the city ever since.
Store Hours
M-F 10:00-13:30 / 17:00-20:00
S 10:00-14:00
Fueros, 35
Vitoria / Gasteiz
Abetxuko,Ibaiondo - Parlamento,Angulema