Vitoria / Gasteiz
Vitoria-Gasteiz es la capital de Euskadi. La ciudad ofrece una cantidad de zonas verdes sorprendentes. Son famosos su Anillo Verde, los monumentos llenos de historia y su casco medieval. Recorrer las tiendas de Vitoria-Gasteiz es un verdadero placer por la tranquilidad que supone pasear por el centro de una ciudad prácticamente peatonal.

Being bored is not allowed
Encourage a love of reading from an early age
Thanks to Carlos and Joaquín's mission to locate the best publishers of books for very young to adolescent readers, you'll find best children's and juvenile literature at Astrolibros. They also stock books in different languages, non-fiction, books on crafts and hobbies, picture books, story-books, poetry, and plays. There's no end to a child's imagination. You'll also find science sets and learning games and be able to attend workshops, storytelling events, and book presentations featuring popular authors.
Since 2014
Store Hours
M-S 10:00-20:30
Landázuri, 1
Vitoria / Gasteiz
04, 07
Abetxuko, Ibaiondo - Lovaina, Sancho el Sabio