Bilbao es la ciudad más grande de Euskadi. La capital vizcaína ha sabido reinventarse para convertirse en un destino turístico cultural, gastronómico y de shopping. Puedes descubrir los fantásticos comercios de Bilbao, mientras te pierdes por sus callejuelas y te encuentras con siete edificios firmados por Premios Pritzker.
A top-notch retailer that sounds amazing.
The secret is they treat your home like their own.
You need silence to talk about Supersonido. It's the only way you can enjoy the country's leading sound and audiovisual store. Their long journey to success started in the 80s when, thanks to the well-deserved loyalty of their customers, they slowly began to expand. They'll treat your home like their own. They specialize in state-of-the-art audio equipment, home cinemas, TVs, and domestic appliances. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Store Hours
M-F 10:00–13:30 / 16:30–20:00
S 10:00–13:30
Zabalbide, 49
L1, L2 - Santutxu