Bilbao es la ciudad más grande de Euskadi. La capital vizcaína ha sabido reinventarse para convertirse en un destino turístico cultural, gastronómico y de shopping. Puedes descubrir los fantásticos comercios de Bilbao, mientras te pierdes por sus callejuelas y te encuentras con siete edificios firmados por Premios Pritzker.

Socks and stockings for everyone.
A smiling customer is a satisfied customer.
At Media Stop they care. They listen carefully so you can both find whatever it is you need. Specialists in lingerie, stockings, tights, and socks, they've been in Deusto for 20 years, working hard to keep their customers happy, and ensure you keep coming back. Media Stop's forte is excellent service, quality merchandise, and a wide range to suit all tastes. When customers find what they're looking for, they trust you the next time.
Since 1996
Store Hours
M-F 10:00-14:00 / 16:30-20:00
S 10:00 -14:00
Luis Power, 3
L1, L2 - Deusto
01, 10, 13, 18, 71